Submitted by Allison Furmaniak Delashmit

allison furmaniak delashmit is a small town girl with a big city attitude. she is a working mom (with the best 5-year old around), a wife, daughter, sister, friend, co-conspirator, and most of all – a big goof. she loves life and is determined not to let it pass her by.

Here are Allison's "Five Rules For Life":

1.) Laugh – everyday – Loudly!
Laughter is nature’s best medicine. It makes you feel good on the inside and out. Others love to hear laughing, too. If you make it a point to laugh everyday, you are making it a point to enjoy something everyday.

2.) Always have a dog.
Dogs love unconditionally. They think you are awesome. Try to be the person your dog thinks you are.

3.) Work hard.
Make a difference and you’ll feel a difference. We all need others to depend on us, just as we depend on others. Make your own brand. Put your stamp on everything you do.

4.) Listen to your Mom.
No one knows you like your Mom. Ask for her advice and really listen to her words. She often knows you better than you know yourself.

5.) Wear clean underwear.
Really, it’s more than clean underwear. But when you wear clean underwear, nice clothes, and fix your hair/makeup - you make yourself feel better and show that you have confidence and love for yourself. You only have the chance to make a first impression once. Take care of yourself.

Allison currently resides in Knoxville, Tennessee.
