Submitted by Jonathan Mead

jonathan mead writes about unconventional paths to personal growth at illuminated mind. he is a drummer, martial artist, husband, student of life, and all around renegade.

Here are Jonathan's "Five Rules For Life":

1.) There are no limits.
There are no limits, there are only plateaus. The only rules are the ones you agree to live by. All of them can be changed at any time and should not be fixed and immovable. They should apply to your life as you're living it.

2.) Embrace space.
Space is your friend. The goal isn't to do as much as possible or "get as much stuff done" as you can. The goal is to enjoy life, right now. Slowing down and embracing space gives birth to realizing the beauty in this ever present moment.

3.) I am good fortune.
I have to be the change I want to see in the world. I am the biggest agent of change in my life.

4.) My sweat is sacred.
When I work, it's with passion and purpose. I choose where I spend my energy carefully and consciously.

5.) Practice compassion.
I give back to others and remember where I came from. Through non-judgment and compassion I find peace within myself. Sharing happiness and connecting magnifies joy.

Jonathan currently resided in Los Angeles, California.
